Superman vs aliens
Superman vs aliens

superman vs aliens

Even though he is blinded and hurt, he defeats the alien. Superman punches it, and the blood from the wound falls into his eyes, blinding him. upon further investigation, he comes across a strange looking alien who immediately attacks him. He puts them in his ship, and sets the coordinates to Lex-Corps space station. However, he discovers three people who are in need of medical attention. When he arrives at the asteroid he finds it mostly deserted, and ravaged. Cheryl then loans Superman a ship to help him on the long flight to find out who is on the asteroid, and why they are distressed.

superman vs aliens

Doing his famous duck out and then later returning as Superman, he reveals to Lois and Cheryl Kimbell (The newest CEO of Lexcorps) that there was a signal, and what it was for. This asteroid seems to be sending out a distress signal that no one but Clark can hear, and he recognizes it as Kryptonian. Lex Corpshas summoned Clark Kent and Lois Lane to report on their recent discovery.

Superman vs aliens